Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our Break is Over.

Sports have started up again!!

Our break is over and I actually couldn't be happier.  Hailey had her first soccer game of the season this past weekend.

Hailey is playing for the YMCA again on the same team as last year, U12.  She has lots of the same teammates, which she loves and the same coaches as last year too, which is great.  I love when kids move along with the same coaches.  The child knows what is expected from them and the coaches also can see the child develop and help them improve on what the kids need to work on.

Our first game went well with only having 1 practice beforehand.  It ended in a tie 2-2.  Hailey played most of the game on offense, right wing.

Hailey, 1st game

The schedule for this team isn't too bad.  One practice a week plus games on the weekends.  Season goes till the end of May.

Drew just got all his information for football.  He will be having a helmet and shoulder pads only practice the week of April 16th.  Then they will take a break so the kids can focus on TCAP testing.  We have a parents meeting at the end of April which will give us move information in regards to summer practices and games.

Drew will be playing for the middle school team since he will be going into 7th grade next year.  I've been told that his schedule for football will be very busy.  It will be nice for him to get back into the swing of things with sports since he decided to take a break and not play baseball. 

We are already getting him into shape having him run up and down the hill every night.  Conditioning is important to being a good player here as it gets very hot during football season.

Can't wait to see what the season brings for both of the kids teams.

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