Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fishing Is Fun!!!

We have been trying to take the kids fishing for quite awhile now.  Time just seems to get away from us with everything being so busy now with the farm and the kids sports.

Hailey & Drew both had gotten new fishing poles last year that we still hadn't used.  Jamie's friend Brad was visiting last weekend and he loves to fish.  So we all went fishing for a few hours on Sunday at Cordell Hull Lake in Granville, TN. 

Here are some pictures from our first time fishing in TN.
Brad helping Hailey cast off

Drew waiting for a bite

Brad & Hailey fishing

Drew casting off

We went fishing in 2 spots.  The first spot we didn't catch anything so we moved to spot # 2.
Drew ended up catching 3 fish, 2 small large mouth bass and 1 sunfish, Hailey caught 1 sunfish and Jamie caught 2 small large mouth bass.  All of our fish were to little to eat so we just released them back into the water.

Drew with his 1st fish, baby large mouth bass

Drew with his first fish, baby large mouth bass

Brad & Hailey with Hailey's first fish, sunfish

Hailey with her first fish, sunfish

Jamie with his first fish, baby large mouth bass

Deer on the opposite shore getting a drink

We had such a great time fishing and will be going back as soon as we have some extra time.

Thanks Brad for helping teach the kids to fish AND patience. :)


  1. Nice Family Fun... my honey & I are gettin our fishing licenses soon so we all can go.

    1. It was fun, I didn't get to fish because I haven't gotten my license yet either, jamie's is included in the hunting license he has. I'll be getting mine soon too.
