Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Abby & Maddie Turn 1!!!

Abby & Maddie turned 1 last Wednesday.

Maddie (l) & Abby (r)

These girls are just as sweet as can be.  Maddie and Abby are Priscilla's babies from last year.

They are very bonded and go and do everything together. The look very much alike but have different personalities.

Maddie is very sweet and quiet.  She loves to have pats and her cheeks scratched.  She quietly waits by your side to notice she is there waiting for you.

Abby on the other hand is still way to curious for her own good.  She is still the mischief maker of the bunch and I swear she has it written all over her face.  She's a good girl but will be the first one to sneak through the door to get out.  Abby also loves to get the other girls to play with her.

Since both girls will be old enough, they will both be bred in the fall.  We still haven't decided who each girl will be bred too yet.

Here are some pictures of Maddie & Abby on their birthday.

Abby in the pasture

Maddie in the barn

Abby peeking out the barn door seeing what's going on

Abby (l) & Maddie (r) digging into some hay

Check back in the fall to see who the lucky buck is who will get to spend sometime with these sweet girls.

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