Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Friday, April 27, 2012

Claire Turns 1 Week Old

Claire, 1 week old

Last Saturday Claire turned 1 week old.  Claire is Windy's one and only kid.  Windy is also a first time mama and does really well with taking care of Claire.  Claire gets to eat all she wants to from her mama since she doesn't have to share with a sibling.

As you can see from the picture above, she is growing quickly.

Claire is just starting to play with the other baby goats now that she is bigger and can keep up with them.  Claire goes off into the pasture everyday now with the herd.

Sometimes she plays with the other baby goats and then other times she likes to just relax and take a nap in the sun.

Here is a cute little video of her playing and running.

Also here are some additional pictures of Claire at a week old.

Claire up close

Claire relaxing in the shade

Claire relaxing with her Auntie Whimsey

Claire getting some sun

Claire & Julie

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