Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jamie Got His First Turkey!!!

Jamie, Brad & Turkey

It is turkey season right now here in TN.  Jamie has only gone out a few times but hasn't gotten anything until this weekend. 

Jamie's friend Brad came visiting for the weekend.  He is also a hunter and likes to turkey hunt.  Jamie & Brad went out Saturday on our property.  They heard a few turkey's but none close enough to get.

Our friend Jeff was nice enough to let Jamie & Brad come hunt on his land and they headed over around 4:30am to get settled in the spot that they had picked out the evening before.

From what I know, Brad was doing the calling and Jamie was prepared to do the shooting.  Brad spent over an hour and half calling this tom (boy turkey) in and finally Jamie was able to shoot and kill it.

I was doing chores when Jamie sent a picture of him and the turkey to my email.  I was so excited for him to get his first turkey.

The turkey is a wild Eastern turkey.  It weighed in at approximately 20lbs.  The beard is 9 inches long and the spurs measured almost 1 inch long. 

Jamie & his first turkey

Jamie and Brad headed home and since Brad has gotten turkeys before he showed Jamie how to butcher it.  The turkey is obviously a wild turkey, therefore most hunters only take the breasts from a wild turkey as any other meat is just too tough to eat.

Brad & Jamie butchering the turkey

Brad & Jamie butchering the turkey

Below is a picture of the two turkey breasts.  As you can see the meat is much darker than what you would see in the grocery store.  Brad suggested marinating it in Italian dressing and cooking it on the grill.  Jamie trimmed the excess fat of the turkey breasts and sealed them up with the vacuum sealer.  We have the breasts in the freezer to try some night for dinner.

Wild Turkey Breasts

After taking the breasts off the turkey, Jamie cut off the beard, tail fan and feet and also a part of a wing.  Brad showed Jamie what he needed to do to dry everything out to make a mount to display the turkey parts on the wall. 

Turkey parts drying out

Hailey & I also took some feathers that we may try to make some earrings with.

Jamie and Brad did go out hunting the following day hoping to get one for Brad, but no such luck.
I'm sure Brad will come back to hunt for turkey's again, he is already hoping to schedule a trip here for deer hunting later in the year.

I know Jamie had a great time having Brad here.  He is such a great guy.  The kids loved having him here.  We also all went fishing together.  I'll be posting about that later.

Brad was also very nice and got a gift for us.

present from Brad

I've been waiting to find something perfect to put on the wall that you see when you walk directly into our home.  The sign Brad bought was perfect in size and also in what is says. Thanks again Brad. I love it!!!

I want to say thank you to Brad for coming to our home and having a great time with us and helping Jamie get his first turkey and thanks to Jeff for letting the guys hunt over at your land.

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