Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hailey Loves Soccer!!!

Hailey had her second soccer game this past Saturday.  They won the game 2-1.  The best part is Hailey loves to play and its fun for her.  She continues to play right wing  offense and does well in that position.  We are really proud of her and how hard she works to continue to grow in her favorite sport.

Here is Hailey with her soccer team mates.

Hailey's soccer team

Hailey with her soccer team mates

She was excited that she was chosen to be captain for this game.

Hailey shaking the referee's hand

Hailey meeting up with the other teams captains

Here are also some snap shots of her in action.

Hailey waiting for the game to start

Hailey waiting for the ball

Hailey taking the ball up the field

The kids had a great game and beautiful weather to play.

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