Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hailey turns 9.

Happy Birthday to Hailey!!!

Hailey with her little doggie cake

I have to start off by saying that Hailey is the sweetest girl.  She is a wonderful daughter, sister and friend.  She has the best manners and always remembers to use those manners.  We just love her personality. She loves to be girlie with wearing jewelry and buying shoes but she still doesn't mind to get down and dirty when she wants.  Perfect example is she loves to wear her fake fingernails but doesn't think twice about helping with the chores we do here around the farm.  Hailey has a bit of sassy in her but its a fun sassy. She is very independent and loves to try new things and learn new things.  She is very smart and also a hard worker with school or anything else she tries to do.

She is definitely an animal lover and all the animals love her, she seems to have a special bond with all of them.  Hailey also gives the best hugs.  She is beautiful inside and out and we are so proud of our Haileybales.

Hailey's birthday was Saturday and she turned 9.  I have no idea where the time has gone, my sweet little girl is growing up so fast.

We always go out for lunch or dinner for the birthday person, their choice.  This year Hailey picked Buffalo Wild Wings for her birthday.  We went earlier in the week and of course Hailey got a bacon cheeseburger, one of her favorite foods.

The morning of her birthday she crawled into bed with me and Jamie and of course Jamie proceeded to tease her with her birthday spankings.  Drew actually woke up pretty early and we all went downstairs so Hailey could open up her gifts.

She got exactly what she asked for, 4 new t-shirts, a new pair of dressy flip flops, jewelry -a new necklace and lots of earrings and of course her favorite fake fingernails.

Hailey chose to do the morning chores with Jamie and I, which she usually does every weekend. She loves the animals so much.  Then had breakfast, which by the way was a bowl of Cookies and Cream ice cream.  That was a first, no way do I normally let the kids have ice cream for breakfast, but she had already eaten it by the time I got back into the house.  Oh well, it was her birthday.

She then wanted Jamie to take her shooting.  So Jamie took her out back and she practiced shooting the BB Gun at empty cans and target sheets.  She is a great shot.

In the afternoon Hailey then spent sometime playing with Drew and spending time out in the pasture with me, Drew, all the goats, Matilda and Chelsea.  We also went to the store so Hailey could pick out a small cake for us that night but she also picked out her big cake for her birthday party with her friends that she will have this Saturday.

We ended up having Ian & Troy over, which was nice to have some kids here to sing Happy Birthday after dinner. 

Hailey with her birthday cake with us singing to her

The boys also ended up sleeping over for the night and all the kids had fun and enjoyed playing.

Here are some pictures of Hailey on her birthday.

Hailey with Drew, Matilda & Chelsea

Hailey & Drew with Matilda

Hailey & I with Bruschi

Hailey holding Welker

Check back next week to see pictures from her birthday party she is going to have with her friends and classmates.


  1. Sweet... Pretty Birthday girl. Sounds like a wonderful b-day with the family. On our kids b-days we take only the b-day kid out to dinner & a movie (both their choice), its really nice having one on one time with them :)

  2. Thanks jennifer, thats nice to spend one on one time with each of your kids on their birthday, its very hard for us to get both parents out with just one kids since we dont have any family to watch them if we want or need, so we just make it a family thing for the birthday person.

  3. Thanks jennifer, thats nice to spend one on one time with each of your kids on their birthday, its very hard for us to get both parents out with just one kids since we dont have any family to watch them if we want or need, so we just make it a family thing for the birthday person.

  4. Ooo yes I understand how that is... we havent had family around us in over 4 years, but we've got teenagers now 17, 15, 13 so they watch themselves, lol.
