Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Monday, March 5, 2012

Windy & Whimsey turn 1.

Happy Birthday Whimsey & Windy.

Since they are twin sisters, even though they don't look anything alike, they both have the same birthday.  They both turned 1 on Saturday.

Whimsey as a baby

Windy as a baby

Windy was born first and got her name because their was a big gust of wind going on while she was being born. Whimsey got her name because the breeders liked to name siblings with names that both have the same first letter.  The breeders, Pat & Katie named them and we liked the names so much we kept them.

The girls are doing wonderful.  They are very much a bonded pair. They stay pretty close to one another especially when they are sleeping. They lay all cuddled up next to each other.

Their personalities have changed a little bit over the last couple of month because we bred both of them to our buck Brady.  We are pretty sure both are expecting as they haven't had a heat cycle in quite some time.

They will be 4 months along towards the end of this week, so I will do another update on that later.

Windy has always been very sweet and on the quiet side.  She still is but has become a little jumpy with people touching her now, even me.  She still loves to have her cheeks rubbed though.

Windy loves having her cheeks rubbed

Whimsey has always been sweet but never really liked too much patting. Well now she loves it and comes looking for her hugs and lovings.

Whimsey loves having her picture taken

Here are a few other pictures we took on Saturday, their birthday.


Whimsey enjoying the sunshine

Windy enjoying the sunshine

Windy looking for some hay


  1. How cute are they!! Can't wait to see baby pics!

  2. Thanks Sugarmama, we can't wait for the babies too :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks jennifer, these sisters are the sweetest goats. Very lovey and calm. Always wait their turn for rubs and hugs :)
