Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is She or Isn't She?

Miss Whimsey -3-8-12

Today is the 4 month mark for Whimsey in her pregnancy and she has me stumped.

I still can't tell for sure if she is pregnant or not.  She hasn't had any signs of her heat cycle returning since November.  I witnessed Brady breeding with Whimsey so I was pretty sure that she was bred.

She has had a few personality changes which is common when a doe is bred.  Whimsey loves to have pats and rubs now but before she didn't like them so much.  She also eats like she is starving, which I can assure she is not. LOL

I still haven't been able to feel any movement like I have in Priscilla but that may be that she is only carrying 1 baby and hiding it well.  She also hasn't started to bag up yet, which is when they start to have their udder fill with milk in preparation for the impending birth.  I have read though that some does don't do this prior to birthing or that they don't bag up until right before.  So it's still a little early.

Whimsey's due date is April 8th. In hopes that she is expecting, I gave her the CD&T vaccination this morning and will keep a close eye on her over the next month for any changes. Hopefully I will be able to feel that baby/babies move sometime soon.  I'm really hoping that she is bred and has a healthy baby or babies.

Her are some pictures of her today.  You decide. Yes or No?

Whimsey saying hello

Whimsey eating grain

Whimsey eating grain

Whimsey eating hay

Whimsey eating hay, her sister Windy (next to her) is bred (have felt baby movement) and is due 2 days after her.


  1. Awwww man I cant tell, lol. I do so hope she is... time will tell I guess. I hope someone more experienced can tell you if she is.

    1. Me neither Jennifer, LOL. I look and feel every morning for movement and still nothing. I'm gonna be really surprised if she isn't as she has had NO signs of heat for months now. I guess the waiting begins. Problem is I not good at waiting. LOL

  2. I thought I've read Nubians are seasonal breeders, correct me if I'm wrong on this, I've read so much since gettin goats last summer its hard to keep it all straight. I think they go into heat in the fall? I need to see if I can find this again. I really might be wrong on this. I know my neighbors Nubian does showed in pregnant for awhile, then the past month or so made udders & the past few weeks their udders really started filling up & lookin so nice. Then just the past few days before giving birth my neighbor & I noticed how round & out there their udders were... then they both had their kids this weekend, Saturday morning & Sunday afternoon... its so cool to read about all this but even cooler to see it happening. I really wanna know if your girl is, lol. She really could just have 1 in there... my neighbors 2nd momma had twins & we thought she was only gonna have 1, shes wasnt huge. Good luck keep us posted

    1. Yes they are seasonal breeders, they usually have their first heat cycle as soon as the weather gets cooler, for mine it was Sept. Brady also went into full rut at that time, getting stinky and all. They continure to have their heat cycle every 18-21 days until the warmer weather rolls around which will probably sometime soon, within the next few weeks the temps will start raising around here. I will let you know what happens with Whimsey, :)
