Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Windy Gave Birth And It's A......


Saturday after Hailey and I came home from her soccer game, we went down and checked on the goats.  I noticed that Windy was laying down and moaning a bit and looking uncomfortable.  We left her alone and went ahead and did the chores, feeding everyone.

After everyone was fed, I decided to put Windy in the birthing stall.  She defiantly seemed to be in labor and I wanted her to be in the stall away from the other goats for her to give birth especially since she is a first time mom.  Hailey stayed with Windy while I went up to the house to get a few things for the delivery and to change.

This is Windy in the stall while she was beginning her labor.

Windy starting labor

After waiting for almost an hour she started pushing. She was doing a really good job and soon enough 1 little foot and a nose presented itself.  After a few minutes of letting her push we could tell that she was having some difficulty.  I figured since I only saw 1 foot that the other leg must be bent at the knee and would have been to difficult to deliver without a little help.

Jamie came into the stall at this time and held Windy from the front.  I went ahead and put a little lubricant on my hand and I was able to find the other foot that hadn't been delivered and with Windy's next contraction she was able to deliver the baby.  Windy's baby girl was born at 7:25pm. We went right ahead and put the baby in front of Windy to encourage her to clean her baby off to help with bonding.
Windy did a great job. She started cleaning off her baby and talking to her.

Windy cleaning her baby girl -just minutes old

Windy cleaning her baby girl, just minutes old

I was very relieved that Windy delivered a healthy baby and she was doing well herself.  I was also happy that the kids and Jamie were there to see the birth.  Our friend Brad also got to see the baby just minutes old.

Everyone else went up to the house and I stayed with Windy and her baby to make sure everything was going well.  Within the first hour she had found her legs and stood up, she also went the bathroom.  It was a little more difficult with nursing.  Windy doesn't really like anyone touching near her udder or backsides of her body.  I had to hold her by the collar and then hold the baby under her udder to get the baby to nurse.  We then spent the next 2 hours trying to get Windy to let the baby nurse and taking breaks.  Thankfully Windy let the baby nurse 3 separate times when I decided it was time to leave mom and baby alone and finally go up to the house finally at 10:30pm.

Windy with her baby girl, 1 hour old

Windy with her baby girl, 1 hour old

Mama & baby are doing wonderful and I will update soon on how things are going.


  1. Great post on Windy & her daughter :)

    1. Thanks Jennifer, just did an update with more pics if your interested.
