Lovely Tennessee

Lovely Tennessee

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Straight A's Again!!!

Kids with their report cards

The kids got their report cards and they both got straight A's again.  We are so proud of them and how well they are doing in school.  I'm glad to say also that Hailey has completely caught up with her reading and is doing extremely well with it.  Hailey has started to be interested and read books on her own.  I have always loved to read and hope that Andrew and Hailey will both continue to enjoy reading.

The school year has been great so far and we only have one more quarter left before the year is over.  Andrea & Hailey will both be taking TCAP (TN testing) equivalent to MCAS (MA testing) this month.  TCAP test results are actually figured into their grade for the year.  The schools do a really good job with helping the kids prepare for the testing and I'm sure both kids will do fine.

The kids were happy about getting straight A's because in their school's they have a reward system with DQ.  With straight A's you get a free hamburger, fries and drink. The reward system is for each quarter. So of course we went to DQ for them to get their free meal.

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